Bel-Air Fine Art

Bel-Air Fine Art

Founded 15 years ago, Bel-Air Fine Art is now established as one of the leading contemporary art gallery groups in Europe. (Visit the 2nd site of Dorsoduro in Venice with a 360 ° Immersive Tour also promoted on the web portal beniculturalionline.it).

The group then continued its growth with permanent offices in Europe (Paris Place des Vosges, Saint-Tropez, Venice, Pietrasanta, Knokke-le-Zoute, Cannes and more recently London).

Bel-Air Fine Art

Calle del Spezier, 2765, 30124 Venice, Italy

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Events Program


041 522 6529


Contact Bel-Air Fine Art directly to make a virtual appointment, via chat or video call.

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