Herifairs Network

Herifairs Network

The European Network of Heritage Fairs (Herifairs) is the first and unique operative platform for exchange and development synergies between the most prestigious fairs in conservation, restoration and valorization of cultural heritage in Europe, with an open cooperation with other international fairs and events in the world. Formally established in November 2018 by Florence Art and Restoration Fair, AR&PA Bienal Iberica de Patrimonio Cultural, in Valladolid and Portugal and MONUMENTO Salzburg, the network counts, at today, over 800 expositors, more than 180.000 visitors in all the conservation, restoration and valorization sectors.

With the actual 7 members, Heirfairs represents a dynamic cross-disciplinary network in Europe that advocates for the valorization of cultural heritage by empowering and creating new opportunities for its members at international level creating an operative synergy between the fairs, sharing a common calendars and promoting events organization and projects.

In March 2019 Heritage Istanbul becomes a member of Herifairs. In October 2020 Textile Festival of Bozen entered in Herifairs. In January 2021 Heritage Benelux joined the network.

OUR MISSION: The mission of Herifairs is to represent and empower the Cultural Heritage sector and to be an influential voice and advocate in promoting the interests of its members at European and international level.